Mission Offering..
giving beyond your regular seed offering. People give a special offering above and beyond their regular Faith Baptist Church seed offering. Each month a local ministry is the beneficiary of this Mission Offering. In addition to the Mission Offering received , FBC adds $100 each month. There will be envelopes available in the church building, or you can donate online to Faith Baptist Church Missions. Past beneficiaries of our Mission Giving…
Dare Challenge , Creative Choices, Jerold Craddock, Crisis Relief, Operation Backpack, Room at the Inn, Food Bank.
Manteo Faith Baptist Church is a U.S.-registered non-profit organization with tax-exempt status under section 501(c)(3) of the U.S. Internal Revenue Code.
A Christ-centered, residential discipleship program for individuals experiencing life-controlling problems.

We’re here for all women and men facing an unexpected pregnancy, with no need to be on Medicaid. Our center serves the Outers Banks by offering free and confidential pregnancy services and support. Our safe and non-judgemental team is here to educate you more about all your pregnancy options. At a time when you may be overwhelmed or scared, we are here to offer support and knowledge to your questions and concerns.
Jerald has served people in need for many years. He assists the sick, poor, disabled or anyone who needs spiritual assistance and has been a regular visitor to people in hospitals, nursing homes and those in need. He is active in assisting individuals in achieving their spiritual goals.